Definition & Prioritization


The solution development workshop was structured around the Sprint 2.0 methodology. Over the course of a week, we engaged in multiple meetings, adopting a dynamic approach where the facilitator role was not fixed, providing everyone with an opportunity to lead. Each meeting was dedicated to specific phases, and various activities were conducted, ensuring an agile process with sufficient time for thoughtful deliberation between tasks.

The 8 steps of the sprint are as follows:

How Might We

Meeting Schedule

  1. Presentation and discussion of the challenge

  2. Definition and prioritization of problems

  3. Definition and prioritization of solutions

  4. Mapping of gamification artifacts

  5. Prototyping

  6. Preparation of user tests

  7. User testing

  8. Sprint closure and start of solution construction

We initiated the workshop with a concise recap of our context and the user research, which served as the validated foundation for the project.

Keeping in mind the identified problems of:

  1. Lack of practical application and direct contact with instructors;

  2. Limited feedback and minimal interaction among peers;

  3. Courses with extended durations and/or insufficient flexibility;

We formulated three How Might We statements:

  1. How might we make the content more practical to increase student enthusiasm for the course?

  2. How might we enhance the platform experience to foster interactivity and boost student satisfaction?

  3. How might we promote networking during the learning process to enhance overall student happiness?

Following the HMW exercise, we collectively aligned on the key problems to address and strategized on channeling creativity towards building a solution.

Definition & Prioritization of Problems

We extracted the problems identified in the research, arranging them in the matrix above while considering our levels of knowledge and expected impact. Next, we instituted a hierarchical system to portray their priority, determined by their placement in the matrix.

Definition & Prioritization of Solutions

We brainstormed solutions relating to the problems displayed above. These solutions were placed in the matrix above considering our levels of knowledge and expected impact. Next, we instituted a hierarchical system to depict their priority, determined by their placement in the matrix.