
The App

The app is divided into different areas, each with a function for a learning moment.

Home Page:

On this screen, the user has access to mandatory courses, courses in progress, courses by area, and suggestions for other courses based on their history.

General Calendar - Agenda:

In the general calendar area, the user has the possibility not only to allocate and plan their study hours but also to organize their agenda for the rest of the day and other work demands.


As the user takes actions in the app and achieves new milestones, they earn new badges corresponding to the goals reached.

Guided Calendar:

This tool allows students to obtain a personalized study plan, taking into consideration their weekly availability or the desired course completion date. This way, students can adapt their learning according to their individual needs.


Each course has a learning path where the user follows a route and finds the lessons to watch and tasks to perform. Within the lessons and tasks, the user has the option to access class materials, mark specific moments in the videos, and interact with peers through comments and likes.


The profile page is divided into two parts – badges and performance indicators.

Performance Indicators:

Engagement on the platform is a measure of how users engage and interact with the available content and features. It will be measured through 6 indicators, representing different aspects of the user experience on the platform. Each indicator will be evaluated individually, and the average of the 6 will be used to determine the user's engagement percentage.

Sapiens Mascots

Our platform features mascots that play specific roles, bringing personality and making the learning environment more engaging. In creating these mascots, our goal is to provide users with a unique experience where they feel accompanied and motivated in their study journey. These characters were created by the illustrator Heriyusuf, and we have acquired the rights to use these illustrations through a license, ensuring authenticity and respect for copyright. The names and characteristics of the mascots were carefully crafted by Sapiens to enhance the overall user experience.

Meet our mascots:

His mission is to help users plan their study time and ensure they can complete their courses and achieve their learning goals. With Dário, users have a clear view of their tasks and commitments, optimizing their study time to the fullest. Additionally, he offers additional features such as flexibility to reschedule tasks and adjust the schedule through the Guided Calendar according to individual needs.

His role is to mark and highlight relevant parts of course videos, allowing you to make notes and record important information. He is here to help you retain information more directly and effectively, ensuring that you get the most out of the course content.

His role is to track and encourage users' progress in their skills. He operates in the skills evolution area, providing a comprehensive view of the courses the user is taking and offering suggestions for future courses. With Miolo, users can explore new knowledge areas and continue to refine their skills, receiving personalized guidance to maximize their progress.

His role is to encourage and recognize users' achievements within the study journey. He acts as a motivator, congratulating users on their accomplishments, awards, and coins earned along the way. With his presence, users feel valued and encouraged to achieve even more milestones, making the learning experience even more rewarding and exciting.

His mission is to formulate personalized exercises to help users improve their performance. Based on the material presented in each class and the user's performance in activities, Rabisco creates tailor-made exercises, focusing on specific areas that need enhancement. Additionally, he closely monitors the user's progress, providing feedback and guidance so that they can progress and achieve better results.

His role is to assist users in creating posts and articles, providing support in organizing ideas, structuring the text, and suggesting relevant content. With Tintin, users have access to a powerful tool to express their opinions, share knowledge, and interact with other community members. His presence in the social area of the platform contributes to an enriching experience of information exchange and collaborative learning.